Saturday, 30 May 2009

Two words: Special Olympics.

Front page today is about the Special Olympics and the company it employed which has failed to raise any money from commercial sponsorship.

This is actually quite a sad story, you speak to the Leicester city councillors or games officials -they sound gutted about this situation. One councillor told me that sponsors will kick themselves for missing out. Yes perhaps they will but somehow this has not been sold to those sponsors.

The recession has hit the Games, but it is clear that the company wanted to get one big sponsor, and may have put their eggs in one basket with Visa. But this fell through and they have now been left with nothing.

I tried to speak to First Rights yesterday, was promised a call back but it never happened. I would like to know what they tried, whether they changed their strategy, why they think they failed. I hope they call back next week.

The council's scrutiny committee is right to have agreed to review what has happened here, especially because the city wants to take some part in England's World Cup bid for 2018.
What is clear is that lessons must be learned. We want the city to bid for these events, we do not want this experience to put off doing it again but clearly the sponsorship or lack of it has been extremely disappointing.

Now to one of my favourite days of the year! It's cup final day. Only been to the new Wembley once, and that was only the outside. But went to the old one with my beloved Ipswich to the last competitive final there in 2000, where we won promotion to the Premier League. The place is magical, made better because I was there with my brother and Dad.

Anyway, I'll be cheering for Everton and having a drink. Bon weekend.

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